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- Jessica Shirvington
Endless Page 3
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As I entered Hades with my dress – in protective carrier – slung over my shoulder, I smiled at the thought of trading it in for my portfolio the next day.
I made my way to Dapper’s apartment through the bar. I knocked on the heavy door and called out so they knew it was me. Dapper had been attacked by Phoenix’s exiles a month ago, when we were trying to set up an exchange. Phoenix had double-crossed us. Dapper, Onyx, and most of all, Steph, had paid the price.
I felt the same twinge of guilt every time I went to his place now and saw the steel reinforced door and listened to the various locks being undone. Dapper had once prided himself on his position of neutrality, but Phoenix hadn’t cared; his exiles came anyway. Dapper almost died that night and it had taken something from him that I wasn’t sure he would ever get back.
‘Remind me again why it is I don’t seem to be able to get rid of you?’ he mumbled in greeting before looking over his shoulder to Steph, adding, ‘Or her.’
The truth? Both of us were currently avoiding our homes like the plague. The last I’d heard, Steph’s mother had been ‘entertaining’ a particularly crude, wealthy and handsy businessman whom Steph could barely tolerate.
‘Because you’d be lost without us and as much as it annoys you, you get satisfaction out of knowing our presence annoys Onyx even more.’
‘I heard that,’ Onyx’s voice rang out from inside. ‘And it is entirely true. It’s some form of twisted punishment.’ His tone held no bite.
Dapper grunted, but I saw the corners of his mouth lift to an almost-smile.
I patted him on the shoulder as I walked in to find Steph right at home; dress hanging on the edge of the stand-up lamp, shoes off, hair wet and dripping on the carpet where she sat cross-legged, snacking on biscuits and flipping through Vogue.
She glanced up at me. ‘If you want food, eat now. Nothing permitted in the two-hour lead-up.’ She patted her stomach. ‘Otherwise it’ll show.’
I rolled my eyes. ‘Are you planning on not eating all night?’
She fixed a serious look on me. ‘Violet,’ was all she said.
I took that as a yes, dropped my bag and slung my dress over the sofa before sitting beside her on the floor and grabbing a biscuit. I didn’t bother explaining I wouldn’t be sticking to the no-food rule. No dress was worth that.
It wasn’t like I had anyone to impress.
We were going as a group: Steph and Salvatore, Zoe and Spence – who’d somehow managed to qualify for graduation too – and Jase with me. I’d felt uncomfortable about going with Steph’s brother, but Zoe assured me she would be doing everything to command his attention for the evening.
Jase, apparently, had developed a small interest in me. It was flattering, since I used to drool over him in the pre-Lincoln days. But even though I couldn’t be with Lincoln there was no way I could consider anything else with anyone else and … My heart just couldn’t take another male complication.
I looked over at Onyx, who was sitting at the minibar, with a large glass of something mind-numbing, I assumed, and an open laptop in front of him.
‘What are you doing?’ I asked.
‘Trying to track down some old exile chat sites.’
My eyes widened. ‘You’re kidding, right?’
‘Absolutely not,’ he grinned.
‘Why?’ I asked suspiciously. The last thing we needed was Onyx getting back in touch with his old followers and leaking information to them.
‘Don’t panic, rainbow. I’m just seeing if the threads are still active. Thought one might mention a Phoenix or Lilith sighting. They’re quite the celebrities these days. The “first exile”, returned from the pits of Hell and her exile son that bested you.’
There was serious envy in his voice. ‘Jealous, much?’
‘Very much.’ He smiled at me wickedly and it sent a shiver down my spine. Reminders that Onyx had spent the majority of his existence as a force of all things corrupt and insane was never something I could afford to forget. For now, though, it seemed his humanity was taking shape and somehow, he’d earned my trust. But that didn’t mean I could be complacent. After all, he’d almost succeeded in killing both Lincoln and me in the past. That’s a hard thing to forget.
‘Have you found anything?’ Steph asked, interrupting my thoughts.
‘Some murmurs here and there around the world, a little activity in Europe and on the east coast of America. Whatever they’re doing, they’re getting around, which isn’t good.’
‘Why?’ Steph asked.
He closed the laptop. ‘Because it means they have a plan.’
He made a show of looking at his watch then back at me – up and down. ‘You only have two hours left. Do you at least plan on looking half-decent for your date?’
I gave him a tight-lipped smile. ‘It’s not a date.’
He smiled back, broadly.
‘It’s not …’ I warned.
Steph looked down, flipping through her magazine again.
‘There’s always one way to know for sure,’ Onyx offered smugly.
‘And what’s that?’
‘When he arrives to pick you up, if you’re going as a group he’ll shake hands with the guys and kiss each girl on the cheek. If he’s there for you alone, he’ll just nod at the others, before leaning in to kiss your cheek. Only you.’
I rolled my eyes and threw a cookie at him. ‘You are such a weirdo!’
Dapper walked over to a cupboard, pulled out a hand vacuum and passed it to me with a growl. ‘Every last crumb.’
‘It was his fault,’ I sulked even as I started to clean up.
When Steph and I finally emerged from the bathroom Zoe was there, dressed in a short midnight-blue dress that perfectly matched the coloured tips of her short brown hair.
Looking between her and Steph, who was wearing a beautiful vintage dress – golden silk, strapless with lace trimmings, the two could not be more opposite.
I’d opted for my uniform black. The dress was a simple halter-neck, set off by a delicate gold chain hanging low on the fabric. Hair up, I’d kept my make-up focused on the eyes, using a smoky effect – one I’d copied from Morgan – highlighted by golden edges.
‘Can you believe we’re going out for a night to have pure fun? No exiles, no angels, no Grigori strategy – just us, music, dancing and seriously spiked punch!’ Steph looked like she was about to explode with delirium.
‘And for some of us, the after party!’ Zoe added suggestively, looking at her with raised eyebrows.
Steph’s smile broadened. ‘That might have something to do with it,’ she said, slyly. But we both knew tonight was the night she was planning to take things all the way with Salvatore.
I smiled, despite the twinge in my heart.
Steph’s phone beeped.
‘The boys are here,’ she said, before almost sprinting to the door and glancing over her shoulder to add, ‘Okay, so I’m not quite up to the standard make-them-wait protocol tonight.’
Zoe and I laughed as we followed her out.
‘You know I have every intention of stealing your date from you tonight,’ Zoe said as we walked down the stairs.
‘He’s not my date,’ I said quickly. ‘Steal away.’
Dapper caught sight of us the moment we entered the bar area and something in his expression looked suspiciously like pride. Definitely. I beamed, even as I felt a stab of regret at not having included Dad in the preparations.
However, my attention was quickly diverted and I started scanning the room. I’d felt his presence before we came downstairs but now it was overwhelming. Sure enough, Lincoln was sitting at the bar with Nathan and Becca, his eyes on me. On autopilot, my feet started to carry me towards him.
‘You look beautiful,’ a voice said from behind me. I stopped and spun around to see Jase, looking quite beautiful himself in a well-fitting tux. Made to measure, I was sure – he was a Morris after all. His eyes, hooded by lush dark eyebrows that were in complete contrast to h
is platinum-blond hair, took in my dress and his smile made me blush.
‘Thanks,’ I said, feeling awkward.
‘Hey, mate,’ Spence said, slapping Jase on the shoulder. Jase stumbled forward. I glared at Spence, who shouldn’t have been so careless with his Grigori strength.
Jase looked around at the rest of the group, giving them an all-inclusive hello nod before turning back to me, putting his hands on my shoulders and leaning in towards me with his whole body. Then he kissed me on the cheek.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Onyx watching with a huge grin.
Son of a …
Onyx wasn’t the only one who reacted. From behind me I felt the spike of Lincoln’s fury. I couldn’t stop myself from turning and looking over my shoulder into his green eyes that were ablaze. He was already on his feet and moving towards us. I sighed.
This will not be good.
He stopped beside me, but focused on Jase.
Jase held out his hand. ‘Lincoln. Did you come by to see us off?’
Lincoln shook his hand in response and I could almost feel the effort it took him not to snap it in two.
‘No. I just stopped in with Becca and Nate to have a drink.’
‘Oh, right,’ Jase said, showing his disbelief and following it up with a dangerous smirk. ‘Well, I get that you have a big-brother thing with Violet, so I promise I’ll take good care of her and not keep her out too late.’
Mother of God. Does he want to lose his life?
Lincoln shrugged, too calm. ‘I wouldn’t describe our relationship as the brother-sister type, Jase. I believe that would be frowned upon. Nate?’
Nathan looked up briefly, a twinkle in his eye. ‘Definitely.’
Blushing? Me?
Jase was speechless, too, while Lincoln was looking increasingly satisfied with himself.
‘Stop it,’ I said, under my breath.
‘Well,’ Lincoln said, now considerably lighter in tone, ‘have a nice night.’
‘We will,’ I answered before whatever comeback was lurking in Jase’s mind came out and started World War Three.
Onyx chose that moment to walk past me, brushing my shoulder as he watched Lincoln stalk away and resume his position at the bar. ‘I like him more and more.’
‘Hey, Jase!’ Spence called out.
‘Yeah?’ Jase responded, looking relieved for the interruption.
‘I need someone who knows their way around this place.’
Jase looked back at me, eyebrows raised. ‘This isn’t going to be a good idea, is it?’
Spence had a familiar wicked gleam in his eyes.
‘Not at all,’ I said.
Nonetheless, Jase headed off to join Spence. And I spun on my heel to see Lincoln, perched on his stool and looking right at me.
I stormed over. ‘That wasn’t necessary,’ I snapped.
‘I know,’ he replied, quietly, catching me off-guard. He sighed and looked guilty. ‘I know,’ he said again, his eyes on me in a way that somehow covered my whole body and caused an unstoppable tingle all the way down to my toes.
Damn, he knows exactly how to unhinge me.
‘But what do you want me to do? Stand by and smile while he hits on you?’
He looked down at his hands on the bar. I glanced at Nathan and Becca, who were both pretending not to notice our conversation.
Now it was my turn to sigh. ‘You know I’m not … You know it’s not … like that.’
I reached out and closed my hand over his. Neither of us spoke for a moment. His hand flattened on the bar beneath mine, fingers splaying just enough for mine to slip into the gaps.
The tiny movements – the stroke of a thumb, the slow raising of knuckles – were somehow more sensual than anything I’d ever experienced.
Finally, heart racing, I cleared my throat. ‘You could always come tonight. We’re going as a group, you know.’
He breathed deeply, his attention still focused on our hands.
I powered on.
Ignore the hands. Ignore the hands.
‘Maybe we could just have one night where we didn’t have to worry about everything else? Maybe we could just have fun, dance.’ I smiled cheekily. ‘We could always give salsa a go.’
At this, he looked at me, a single eyebrow raised. ‘Salsa?’
I shrugged, my blush returning. ‘Yeah, well … or anything.’
‘You can salsa?’
‘Um, no – but I’ve always wanted to learn,’ I said, starting to realise how silly I sounded.
His eyes lit up. ‘Just when I thought you couldn’t surprise me.’
I held my breath, thinking he might just decide to come along. But as I watched, he glanced around the room and his eyes dropped.
‘You’re not going as a group, Vi, and we both know it. Anyway, it’s not a good idea despite how much I’d like it to be.’ And with that, he shut down and the walls came up. Typical Linc.
And typical me, I bristled, retrieving my hand suddenly and stepping away.
Spence chose that moment to reappear, carrying a tray of shot glasses.
‘Time to get this party started, Eden.’ He glanced over his shoulder nervously. ‘And preferably before Dapper comes back!’
Around me, everyone was smiling and tossing back their drinks. I glanced at Lincoln. He watched on, unimpressed.
I grabbed a glass and threw back the shot.
‘Cars are here!’ Steph called out.
Spence tilted the tray, holding a final glass in Lincoln’s direction. Lincoln simply shook his head. Without delay, and just because it all hurt and I needed to take it out on him, I grabbed his shot off the tray and gulped it down, ignoring the burn in my throat as I smiled.
‘Waste not want not,’ I said with a shrug before turning tail and heading for the door.
‘Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve …?’
Hebrews 1:14
Two hours and a couple of spiked cups of punch later, I escaped the dance floor to get some fresh air.
Everyone was buzzing, laughing at the dorky dance moves of Steph and Salvatore and at Lydia Skilton trying desperately to grope Spence – not that he minded. Jase and I danced along with Zoe and the others until finally I managed to slip away, hoping to give Zoe a chance for some one-on-one time with Jase.
I slipped out the sliding doors of our school-hall-turnedballroom and onto the small balcony. The truth was, the night was kind of a let-down. Not what I’d imagined in all the lead-up school years and, in the grand scheme of things, less important, too.
Once I was alone, I let my facade slip. My smile fell away and the loneliness I usually kept at bay rose to the surface. As soon as I opened myself up, I sensed him. And realised just how close he was.
I straightened and walked back to the doors, looking into the ballroom. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him, standing just inside the entry, wearing a suit and open-necked shirt. There was something about the way he filled a suit – something that made me think it was the original reason for their creation. But suit-genetics only favoured the few. His hair was ruffled, light brown with golden streaks, his full lips were parted just enough, his golden-brown skin screamed to be touched and, best of all, his wickedly enticing green eyes looked right into mine.
He’s here.
My heart skipped another beat and I wanted to run, or leap into his arms, something. But instead, I found myself walking slowly towards him as he glided closer to me, hands in pockets. It felt like the entire room fell away and it was just us, staring at each other, inches apart, my soul crying out for his. I narrowed my eyes and put my hands on my hips.
‘Why are you here?’
He winced. ‘You’re slurring.’
‘Choose to ignore it and answer the question.’
He considered for a moment then nodded, as if coming to a decision. ‘Three reasons. One,’ he glanced in Jase’s direction, who was standing at the edge of the dance floor chattin
g with Zoe, his eyes on us, ‘to keep his hands off you in that dress. Two, the last time I let you walk out of a room without telling you how beautiful you looked, I ended up fishing you out of a volcano and you left before I could tell you …’ he swallowed, looking me up and down. ‘You look stunning.’ His eyes bored into mine, silence stretching until he blinked back to awareness. ‘And three,’ he smiled devilishly, ‘if you’re going to have fun and salsa with anyone, it’d better be with me.’ His look slipped into something more basic, more predatory and decidedly like … a challenge.
Holy Hell. What has got into him?
My mouth was dry. I was cemented in a deer-caught-inheadlights moment when Jase strolled up, clearly unhappy at Lincoln’s arrival.
‘Everything okay, Vi?’
I looked at him, eyes wide, mouth agape.
What to say, what to say …
But Lincoln spoke first, putting his hand up to stop me. ‘Jase, I’m sure I haven’t been clear with you on this issue. I apologise for that. Entirely my fault.’
Oh shit.
‘Linc,’ I butted in, unsuccessfully.
‘Allow me to rectify,’ Lincoln continued, stepping a little closer to Jase. ‘If you look at her again, that way you do – I’m going to be very upset. If you touch her in any way that you haven’t first been invited to and, well,’ he glanced at me, still frozen, before turning his full attention back to Jase, ‘even then, I won’t be responsible for my actions. Violet and I may not be together, but make no mistake; she is mine just as much as I am hers.’
I don’t know how long all three of us stood there in silence.
It was Jase who spoke first, turning to me. ‘Violet?’
But I was lost – somewhere between anger at Lincoln for deciding now was declaration time and love towards him for just saying he was mine.
As if best-friend intuition had magically kicked in, Steph appeared. ‘Sorry to interrupt. I can see things are going swimmingly over here, but Griffin just arrived – and not for a dance. Party’s over.’
Lincoln was already looking towards the door. He turned to me, ‘I’ll see you outside.’